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Where is Teuf-Teuf-Teuf ? Si tu penses que l'aventure est dangereuse, essaie la routine; c'est mortel! - Paul Coelho -

Business and ecology

Some of you know how prudent I am about the political statements of ecologists in France.

Although I am very aware and concerned by the climate change which makes our future very uncertain, I do not support much the "Greens".

Why ? Because of their extremism, their "we have the solution for all" attitude while the issues we face are much more complex. Moreover "green washing" is spreading in all economical spheres letting people think that we are on good tracks....The confusion is global.

Let us step back for a moment and spend 90 mn looking at Michael Moore film which perfectly illustrates, with an US flavor, J.M.Jancovici’s conferences.

I am a scientist. No alternate renewable energy can replace fossile fuels. Some may help in particular conditions, at best.

Only a deep change in our way of life, geared towards energy sobriety, will help: reduced transportation, consuming locally, smaller cities, resources sharing ....

If we are not prepared, Mother Nature will teach us the hard way.

Planet of humans


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